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Franchise Model for Oraspa

After graduating from the Oraspa Certification Course, Oraspa Therapists and their dentists have been so enthusiastic about being connected with Oraspa and our philosophies. It is the future of the patient-driven services that we should be providing our patients. They deserve it and appreciate it and the dentists associated with Oraspa are seeing the fruits of their labor. They want more!
Oraspa has developed the Level Two Certification Course that provides business training and advanced techniques in The DentalSpa. Secondly, per demand, we have created The DentalSpa Dental Assistant Certification and The DentalSpa Team Retreat because dentists want to be intimately involved with Oraspa. Hygienists are interested in developing their own career outside and part time along with their clinical dental hygiene position in Oraspa. Oraspa has now created franchise opportunities for those that can't get enough and want to personalize the Oraspa brand in their office. We are so excited to be able to share what we already view as a successful part of the dental practice, probably the most memorable portion of the dental visit. With franchising Oraspa, you can hold your own DentalSpa Certification Courses, do lunch and learns, exhibit at small and large conferences. Speak, teach, train and write about the invincible technique in your own location or take it on the road!
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